Baldwin Street, March 1977

Baldwin Street, March 1977

Duncan McLaren Photography

Window sign: Larry Grossman/"I'm Here to Help You." Grossman was the Progressive Conservative candidate for St. Andrew-St Patrick in the upcoming June election.

Sid's Credit Jewellers (closed)

Sid's Credit Jewellers (closed)

Duncan McLaren Photography

706 1/2 Gerrard Street East, 1990.

Joe's Barber Shop, 1977

Joe's Barber Shop, 1977

Duncan McLaren Photography

416A Parliament Street. Lettering on awning: Peter's Barber Shop.

Chinese store signs, 1992

Chinese store signs, 1992

Duncan McLaren Photography

Gerrard Street, east of Broadview.

Torn feminist posters, 1989

Torn feminist posters, 1989

Duncan McLaren Photography

Parking lot, southwest corner of Queen Street West at Portland. A highrise condo now occupies the site.

Il Gatto Nero Club, 1987

Il Gatto Nero Club, 1987

Duncan McLaren Photography

653 College Street (a sign in the window announces a move to 566 College).
A poster for "Roundup 88" [city-wide art show] is on the lower left.

College Fish Market, 1987

College Fish Market, 1987

Duncan McLaren Photography

College Street, near Kensington Market.

NB Cleaners, Cabbagetown (1977)

NB Cleaners, Cabbagetown (1977)

Duncan McLaren Photography

416 Parliament Street.